TSL and fractional glow study of Ge-doped α-quartz.

A. Zolatarjovs, A.N. Trukhin, K. Smits, D. Millers

Abstract. Crystalline α-quartz doped with 0.1wt% and 0.9wt% germanium was studied using
TSL and FGT equipment. Sample was chosen because previously it is known that Ge in quartz
is efficient trap for electrons, therefore it could be used for detection of hypothetic self-trapped
hole in α-quartz. However previous investigations of ODMR and TSL shows that in α-quartz
the hole is still mobile and trapping occurs only on defect states. The activation energies for
both TSL peaks are found by fractional glow and Hoogenstraaten method. The TSL
distribution changes depending on Ge concentration and also on irradiation type. The TSL
peaks below 70K in quartz doped with Ge could belong to hole trapped on Ge.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 49 (2013) 012056


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