Transient and stable color centers in neutron irradiated MgO

Vera Skvortsova, Nina Mironova-Ulmane, Larisa Grigorjeva,
Donats Millers, Krisjanis Smits

The transient absorption and luminescence induced by the pulsed electron beam have been investigated in the MgO single crystal
containing transition metal ion (Cr, Mn, Fe) impurities and preliminary irradiated by the fast neutrons. It is supposed that the different
behavior of the absorption spectra of the MgO samples preliminary irradiated by the different fast neutron fluence is connected with the
destruction of the hole centers and with the creation of interstitial protons and the formation of the microphase Mg(OH)2. We assume
that the luminescence band at 3.2 eV is connected with F+ color centers.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 2941–2944


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