Intrinsic defect related luminescence in ZrO2

K. Smits , L. Grigorjeva , D. Millers, A. Sarakovskis, J. Grabis, W. Lojkowski

The studies of ZrO2 and yttrium stabilized ZrO2 nanocrystals luminescence as well as yttrium stabilized
single crystal luminescence and induced absorption showed that the intrinsic defects are responsible
for luminescence at room temperature. These defects form a quasi-continuum of states in ZrO2 band
gap and are the origin of the luminescence spectrum dependence on the excitation energy.
Luminescence centers are oxygen vacancies related but not the vacancies themselves. At room
temperature, in ZrO2, deep traps for electrons and holes exist. The oxygen vacancies are proposed to
be the traps for electrons.

Journal of Luminescence 131 (2011) 2058–2062


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