UV and yellow luminescence in phosphorus doped crystalline and glassy silicon dioxide

A.N.Trukhin , K.Smits , J.Jansons , D.Berzins , G.Chikvaidze , D.L.Griscom 

Luminescence of phosphorus doped crystalline α-quartz and phosphosilicate glass with content
3P2O5  7SiO2 was studied.Water and OH groups are found by IR spectra in these materials.The spectrum of lumines cence contains many bands in the range 1.5–5.5 eV. The luminescence bands in UV range at 4.5–5 eV are similar in those materials. Decay duration in exponential approximation manifests a time constant about 37 ns. Also a component in ms range was detected. PL band of ms component is shifted to low energy withrespect to that of 37 ns component. This shift is about 0.6 eV. It is explained as singlet–triplet splitting of excited state. Below 14 K increase of luminescence kinetics duration in ms range was observed and it was ascribed to zero magnetic field splitting of triplet excited state of the center.
Yellow–red luminescence was induced by irradiation in phosphorus doped crystalline α-quartz,
phosphosilicate glasses.The yellow luminescence contains two bands a t600 and 740 nm. Their decay is similar under 193 nm laser and maybe fitted with the first order fractal kinetics or stretched exponent.
Thermally stimulated luminescence contains only band at 600 nm. The 248 nm laser excites luminescence at 740 nm according to intracenter process with decay time constant about 4ms at 9 K.
Both type of luminescence UV and yellow were ascribed to different defects containing phosphorus.
P-doped α-quartz sample heated a t550 °C become opalescent. IR spectra related to water and OH
groups are changed. Photoluminescence intensity of all three bands,UV (250nm), yellow (600nm) and
red (740nm) strongly diminished and disappeared after heating to 660 °C. Radiation induced red
luminescence of non-bridging oxygen luminescence center (NBO) appeared in crystal after heat treatment. We had observed a crystalline version of this center (Skujaetal., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2012; 286: pp.159–168).
Effect of heat treatment explained as sedimentation of phosphorus in some state. Keeping of treated
sample at 450–500 °C leads to partial revival of ability to create yellow luminescence center under irradiation.

Journal of Luminescence 166(2015)346–355


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TSL and fractional glow study of Ge-doped α-quartz.

A. Zolatarjovs, A.N. Trukhin, K. Smits, D. Millers

Abstract. Crystalline α-quartz doped with 0.1wt% and 0.9wt% germanium was studied using
TSL and FGT equipment. Sample was chosen because previously it is known that Ge in quartz
is efficient trap for electrons, therefore it could be used for detection of hypothetic self-trapped
hole in α-quartz. However previous investigations of ODMR and TSL shows that in α-quartz
the hole is still mobile and trapping occurs only on defect states. The activation energies for
both TSL peaks are found by fractional glow and Hoogenstraaten method. The TSL
distribution changes depending on Ge concentration and also on irradiation type. The TSL
peaks below 70K in quartz doped with Ge could belong to hole trapped on Ge.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 49 (2013) 012056


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Luminescence of silicon Dioxide – silica glass, α -quartz and stishovite

Anatoly N. Trukhin , Krishjanis Smits, Georg Chikvaidze, Tatiana I. Dyuzheva, Ludmila M. Lityagina

This paper compares the luminescence of different modifications of silicon dioxide – silica glass, -quartz
crystal and dense octahedron structured stishovite crystal. Under x-ray irradiation of pure silica glass and
pure -quartz crystal, only the luminescence of self-trapped exciton (STE) is detected, excitable only in
the range of intrinsic absorption. No STE luminescence was detected in stishovite since, even though its
luminescence is excitable below the optical gap, it could not be ascribed to a self-trapped exciton. Under
ArF laser excitation of pure -quartz crystal, luminescence of a self-trapped exciton was detected under
two-photon excitation. In silica glass and stishovite mono crystal, we spectrally detected mutually similar
luminescences under single-photon excitation of ArF laser. In silica glass, the luminescence of an oxygen
deficient center is presented by the so-called twofold coordinated silicon center (L.N. Skuja et al., Solid
State Commun. 50, 1069 (1984)). This center is modified with an unknown surrounding or localized
states of silica glass (A.N. Trukhin et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 248, 40 (1999)). In stishovite, that same
luminescence was ascribed to some defect existing after crystal growth. For -quartz crystal, similar to
silica and stishovite, luminescence could be obtained only by irradiation with a lattice damaging source
such as a dense electron beam at a temperature below 80 K, as well as by neutron or -irradiation at
290 K.
In spite of a similarity in the luminescence of these three materials (silica glass, stishovite mono crystal and
irradiated -quartz crystal), there are differences that can be explained by the specific characteristics of
these materials. In particular, the nature of luminescence excited in the transparency range of stishovite is
ascribed to a defect existing in the crystal after-growth. A similarity between stishovite luminescence and
that of oxygen-deficient silica glass and radiation induced luminescence of -quartz crystal presumes a
similar nature of the centers in those materials.

Central European Journal of Physics • 9(4) • 2011 • 1106-1113

DOI: 10.2478/s11534-011-0016-5

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