Dr.habil.phys. Larisa Grigorjeva
Position: Senior Researcher
- 1965-1972 Latvian State University
- 1982-1985 Latvian State University, post graduate student.
- 1986 Degree of candidate of physics and mathematics science: Institute of physics the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Advisor: Prof. J.Zakis. Thesis “Creation and recombination processes of radiation defects in thallium and alkali halides”
- 1991 Ph.D. degree : University of Latvia hab.phys. University of Latvia. Thesis “Electronic excitations and relaxation mechanisms in materials for optoelectronic”
- 1965-1986 Engineer, Scientist, Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics Problems of Latvian State University.
- 1986 – 1998 Senior Scientists, head of laboratory, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.
- 1998 – present Head of the Solid State Radiation Physics Laboratory at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.
- 1987, Apr.-Nov. Fellowship in Charles University , Institute of Physics, Prague.
- 1996, Sept.-Oct. Visiting scientist, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
- 1998, November Visiting scientist, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, USA.
- 1999, November Visiting scientist, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary.
- 2001, Mar.-Apr. Visiting scientist, Charles University, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2001, Oct, Visiting scientist, Fachbereich Physik, Universität Osnabruek, Germany
- 2003, December Visiting scientist, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary
- 2004, January Visiting scientist, Polish Academy of Science, High Pressure Research Center , Warszaw
- 2008-2015 Visiting scientist, Tartu Institute of Physic, University of Tartu
- 2010-2016 Visiting scientist PROMES laboratory, Font Romeo, Odeillo, France
- 1998-1999 NRS Baltic States Twining Program grant (USA-Latvia)
- 1990-2000 Project “Crystal Clear Collaboration” (CERN)
- 2004 EU Center of excellence CAMART
- 2005-2006 Programs ECO-NET FUN-NANOS, ERANET
- 2007-2008 “New materials for radiation detectors” Nr VPDI/ERAF/CFIA/05/APK/2.5.1/000064/0311
- 2007 Project I-20060214 EC; contract RII3-CT-2004-506008 (IA-SFS). DESY, Germany)
- 2010-2011 ERA-NET MATERA Novel Optical Oxygen Sensor for Life and Health Protection Made From Nanozirconia.”OxyNanoSen”
- 2015-2016 ERA-NET Rus “NANORADOS”
- 1995-1997 EC network contract No.ERBCIPDCT 940057
- 1996 Nordic council of Ministers, grant #1996-8341-211
- 1998-1999 NRS Baltic States Twining Program grant
- 2001-2003 NATO Grant PST.CLG.977561
- 2005-2006 International Atomic energy Agency, Research Contract No.13096/RO
- 2006 Luminescence properties of ZnO based nanophases. High Flux Solar Facilities
for Europe (SOLFACE). Project “Luminescent nanopowders obtained by vaporization in solar reactor ” - 2009-2012 LZP grant 09.1126
- 2012- 2015 LZP grant 302/2012
- Grigorjeva, D. Millers, J. Grabis, C.J.Monty, A.Kalinko, K. Smits, V.Pankratov and W.Łojkowski. Luminescence properties of ZnO nanocrystals and ceramics. IEEE Trans.Actions on Nuclear Sci, 2008, vol.55, No.3, p.1551-1555.
- Grigorjeva, L., Millers, D., Smits, K., Pankratov, V., Łojkowski, W., Fidelus, J., Chudoba, T, Monty, C. Excitonic luminescence in ZnO nanopowders and ceramics. Optical Materials, 2009, 31, pp.1825-1827.
- Grigorjeva, D.Millers, A.Kalinko, V.Pankratov, K.Smits. Time-resolved cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence of nanoscale oxides. J.of the European Ceramic Society. 2009, 29 (2), pp.255-259.
- Grigorjeva, A.Krasnikov, V.V.Laguta, M.Nikl, S.Zazubovich. Luminescence and creation of electron centers in UV-irradiated YAlO3 single crystals. J.of.Appl.Phys. 108(5), 2010, 053509.
- Grigorjeva, D.Millers, K.Smits, J.Grabis, J.Fidelus, W.Lojkowski, T.Chudoba, K.Bienkowski. The luminescence of ZnO ceramics. Radiat.Measur., 45 (3-6) 2010, 441-443.
- Grigorjeva, D.Millers, J.Grabis, D.Jankoviča. Photoluminescence and photocatalytic activity of zinc tungstate powders. Central European Journal of Phys., 2011, 9(2), 510-514.
- Smits, K., Grigorjeva, L., Millers, D., Sarakovskis, A., Grabis, J., Lojkowski, W. Intrinsic defect related luminescence in ZrO 2. Journal of Luminescence, 2011, 131 (10) , pp. 2058-2062
- Grigorjeva, L., Millers, D., Smits, K., Sarakovskis, A., Lojkowski, W., Swiderska-Sroda, A., Strek, W., Gluchowski, P. The time-resolved luminescence characteristics of Ce and Ce/Pr doped YAG ceramics obtained by high pressure technique. Optical Materials. 2012, 34 (6) , pp. 986-988.
- Dorogov, P., Ivanov, V., Loutchanski, A., Grigorjeva, L., Millers, D.Improving the performance of μ CdZnTe detectors using infrared stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , 2012, 59 (5 PART 3) , art. no. 6327737 , pp. 2375-2382
- Millers, D., Dimza, V., Grigorjeva, L., Antonova, M., Smits, K., Livins, M. The electron beam induced short lived absorption in PLZT optical ceramics. Optical Materials. 2013, 35 (5) , pp. 1090-1094.
- Grigorjeva, D.Millers, K.Smits, Dz.Jankoviča, L.Puķina. Characterization of hydroxyapatite by time-resolved luminescence and FTIR spectroscopy. IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering. 2013, 49(1), 012005.
- Grigorjeva, J.Rikveilis, J.Grabis, D.Millers, K.Smits. Photocatalitic properties of TiO2 and ZnO nanopowders. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 2013, 50(4), 48-55.
- Manuks, L.Grigorjeva, R.Zabels, I.Bochkov, T.Ivanova, J.Zicāns, J.Grabis. Swift heavy ion induced modification of luminescence and mechanical properties of polypropynene/ZnO nanocomplsites. Nucl.Instr.and Methods in Phys.Res.B. 2014, 326, 154-157.