PhD Phys. student Katrīna Laganovska
Position: Research Assistant
Phone: +371 27171987
- 2017 – now Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, PhD in Physics
- 2017 Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical university, MSc in Electronics
- 2014 Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, BSc in Physics
- Research Assistant in Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- Engineer in Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- Laboratory assistant in Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy
- Laboratory assistant in Institute of Astronomy University of Latvia
- Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO)
- Electronics (projects: PMT control/readout, nanosecond X-ray impulse generator, Arduino controlled thermoregulator )
- Programming ( C++, LabTalk, Java basics)
- Photoluminescence (X-ray, UV, vis)
- Thermostimulated luminescence(TSL)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Advanced thermostimulated techniques (fractional glow technique, TSL peak analysis)
- Doped zirconia phase and luminescence dependence on the nature of charge compensation. Smits, K., Olsteins, D., Zolotarjovs, A., Laganovska, K., Millers, D., Ignatans, R., & Grabis, 2017. J. Scientific Reports, 7(November 2016), 44453.
- Thermostimulated luminescence of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on 6082 aluminium surface.
Zolotarjovs, K. Smits, K. Laganovska, D. Millers I. Bite, L.Grigorjeva, 2018.
Submitted to Surface and Coatings Technology - Doped HfO2 nanocrystal luminescence dependence on europium concentration and charge compensation.
K.Laganovska, K. Smits, I. Bite, A. Zolotarjovs, 2018.
Submitted to Journal of Luminescence - Long afterglow luminescent SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ , Dy 3+ coating formed on aluminium alloy Al6082 by plasma electrolytic oxidation. I. Bite, G. Krieke, A. Zolotarjovs, K. Laganovska, K. Smits, V. Liepina, D. Millers, 2018.