Annotation Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) is a process for producing thick (tens of microns), hard and chemically stable oxide coatings on metal surfaces. For decades, the process is under investigation by both scientific and industrial communities due to the low operational cost and ease of production. Due to the flexibility of the process, in the last couple of years, novel possibilities of PEO are quickly emerging: biocompatibility, antibacterial, photovoltaic, photocatalysis and other properties of the coatings are intensively studied. This work explores the different aspects of luminescence properties of PEO coatings which was not studied prior. Both process modification possibilities and practical applications are studied, with the focus on correlation between synthesis parameters and optical properties of the coatings. Three main topics are covered in this thesis: 1) Doping of the coating oxide structure with additives that alter the luminescence output 2) Production of coatings with dosimeter properties and evaluation of their performance 3) Synthesis of complex oxide structure of doped strontium aluminate thus creating persistent phosphorescent coatings In combination with inherited PEO properties like outstanding hardness, great adhesion to the surface, chemical stability and quick production, the added luminescence properties can make this coating technology promising for practical applications in various fields of science and technology. In addition to these great accomplishments, she has also been awarded the Kaspars Ērglis memorandum stipend
A lecture on 4D Biofabrication will be presented by Mg. Chem Indra Apsīte (University of Bayreuth, Professorship of Biofabrication, Germany) at UL ISSP on the 16th of October. We utilize biologically inspired strategies to develop new functional and active 3D (bio-)materials based on actuating polymers for soft robotics, smart textiles, soft electronics, energy storage materials, and tissue engineering as well as for a variety of other scientific and industrial applications. Particular focus is processing of stimuli-responsive, shape memory polymers and hydrogels. To process various polymers we use fused filament printing, extrusion printing of hydrogels, ink-jet printing, electrospinning, meltelectrowring as well as stereolithography. Our particular focus is 4D biofabrication, which is a fabrication of cellular structures by shape-transformation of 3D objects. We pioneered the fabrication of 4D biofabrication using most important biodegradable polymers, which are widely used in tissue engineering, such as gelatin, alginate and hyaluronic acid. Fig. 1. Fabrication of self-folding hydrogel-based (cell-laden) tubes via 4D bioprinting: a) printing of mathacrylated alginate or hyaluronic acid solutions; b) crosslinking of the printed films with green light (530 nm) and mild drying; c) instant folding into tubes upon immersion of the crosslinked films in water, PBS, or cell culture media; d) examples of the fabricated self-folding tubes (from right to left): schematic illustrations and representative microscope images of single tubes with/without printed cells formed through the described 4D printing process; photograph of a glass vial containing a large number of self-folded tubes, indicating on the possibility of their large-scale fabrication.
This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. Dr. Phys. Krisjanis Smits presented our latest updates or ERDF project No. during the “Nanomaterials for biosensors and biomedical applications” conference. Years of hard work have finally paid off and we are happy to congratulate Virgīnija Vītola with successfully defending her thesis and getting a PhD! Persistent luminescent material SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ is widely used and studied for energy efficient applications. A study of SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy; SrAl2O4:Dy, and undoped SrAl2O4 material was conducted. Improvements for the mechanism of persistent luminescence have been suggested, that involve tunnelling of electron from trapping center to Eu3+, and the proof for stable Dy4+ existence in strontium aluminate has been presented. Undoped material luminescence has been observed, consisting of trace impurity and intrinsic defects luminescence.The results of this work give new knowledge and improve the existing concepts of persistent luminescence in Eu activated strontium aluminates. They also open some possibilities for wider applications of persistent phosphors. The Grand Medal has been awarded to Linards Skuja by Latvian Academy of Sciences for achievements in optical glass physics and photonics. The LAS highest award – the Grand Medal – is awarded for excellence in science. . Our work “A new energy efficient method for acquiring long lasting phosphorescent coatings on metals” which we have carried out as a part of the ERDF project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation” has been announced as one of the most important scientific achievements in Latvia in 2018 by the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Teksta latviskotā versija pieejama: We are proud to announce that a new publication “Novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum” has been written and published in Materials & Design in October. This publication was funded by the ERDF project “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation” No: Nr. Novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum The conference Functional Materials & Nanotechnologies took place in Riga on the 2.-5. October in which most of our staff took participation. A total of seven posters from our laboratory were presented. In August we participated in the student oriented conference AMT (Advanced Materials and Technologies) in Palanga, Lithuania, presenting multiple posters and attending the lectures. Just last week we also participated in the LumDeTr (Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation) conference in Prague, Czech Republic. We would like to acknowledge the Mobility Financial Support received from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, University of Latvia, which partially funded the attendance of this conference. A new publication in the frame of ERDF Project Nr. on fundamental processes in phosphorescent materials has been published. Virginija Vitola, Donats Millers, Krisjanis Smits, Ivita Bite, Aleksejs Zolotarjovs SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy is a very efficient long afterglow phosphor with wide range of possible applications. The luminescence properties and the possible luminescence mechanism of this material have been studied extensively, but there is almost no information available about the undoped material. Therefore, this article deals with the luminescence and thermally stimulated luminescence of an undoped SrAl2O4, revealing the possible defects that might be involved in the creation of the long afterglow in doped material. We conclude that undoped material exhibits some luminescence under X-ray irradiation in low temperature; close to room temperatures luminescence is almost fully thermally quenched in comparison to low temperatures. We can observe F and F2 center luminescence as wellas trace metal luminescence inthe emission spectrum.TSL glow curveyields the peaksthat are close to those observed in material with Eu and Dy doping; therefore these peaks are clearly related to intrinsic defects. The peak at around 400K, that is shifting with rare earth doping, might be due to dopant interaction with intrinsic defects. Published in Optical Materials We are happy to announce that our core member team is strengthened by three excellent scientists: Prof., Dr.Habil.Phys. Andrejs Silins Prof., Dr.Habil.Phys. Anatoly Trukhin ERDF Project Nr. A significant improvement on the control of various electrical parameters was achieved in the last couple of months due to the planned upgrades of the power supply unit. New limits of coating preparation can be achieved now with higher voltages (up to 1000V) as well as with vastly improved software and automated control algorithms allowing uninterrupted change of any desired parameter in time. This modification allows the in-depth studies of effects of high voltage on coating formation process and implementation of RE ions in it. In addition, the stability of the power supply was improved allowing extra-long processing time on high loads. This is important for the different oxide phase formation as recrystallisation occurs only at longer processing times. With the new setup a new set of samples was prepared and further optimization of parameters is undergoing. The main aim is to improve PEO coating to match and exceed the performance of similar materials in other forms. A new publication in the frame of ERDF Project Nr. on fundamental processes in phosphorescent materials has been published. V. Liepina, D. Millers * , K. Smits, A. Zolotarjovs, I. Bite SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy is a very efficient long afterglow phosphor with wide range of possible applications. In this study we carried out the study of X-ray excited luminescence of SrAl2O4:Dy and SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy samples, including the measurements of afterglow at low temperatures within extended time scale. We observed both Eu and Dy luminescence peaks in the afterglow and TSL measurements. In recent articles the tunneling of electron from trap levels to excited Eu luminescence center was discussed, and in this research we conclude that under X-ray irradiation Eu2+ and Dy3+ serve as hole traps; electron tunneling is present in both SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy and SrAl2O4: Dy, and luminescence afterglow at 10 K arises from decay of excited Eu2+ and Dy3+ centers created via electron tunneling from host trap to Eu3+ and Dy4+ ions. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Successful meeting with colleagues from Germany and Russia. Discussing the last stages of ERANET RUS project ending this year. A certain project milestone has been recently achieved and luminescent coatings with sufficient luminescence intensity to be seen by the naked eye have been acquired. We will continue our work on intensity and luminescence afterglow parameter improvement and it certainly looks like we’re moving in the right direction although of course there’s tons of work still ahead of us. A publication studying optical properties of strontium aluminate has been submitted and is being reviewed. We’re also happy to announce that starting September Boriss Poļakovs and Krišjānis Auziņš have joined the project and are actively working to contribute to project’s successful ongoing. Improvements on PEO reactor chamber (see photo) have been made to insure better repeatability and constant results, allowing to study the coatings with greater detail and less errors. Technical improvements have also been made to aluminum samples – it is now possible to split the samples into smaller pieces with absolutely no potential damage to the coating. New and exciting UL ISSP student and new researcher grant projects for the year 2017.-2018. have been approved for: Our leading researcher, Krisjanis Smits, was entitled to represent Latvia in two COST actions: 1.CA COST Action CA16215 2.CA COST Action CA15107 Our team is visiting PROMES CNRS facilities (Font-Romeu, France). We are grateful for the access to the facilities in frame of SFERA 2 project. This great opportunity will be used to prepare samples for the successful realization of ERDF Project Nr. We congratulate our student Katrina Laganovska with successful defense of her masters thesis in field of electronics titled “Development of equipment for Luminescence Kinetics Measurements” Our PhD. Phys. student Aleksejs Zolotarjovs successfully attended RAD2017 conference on radiation and applications in various fields of research. We congratulate our student Dags Olsteins with successful defense of his bachelors thesis in field of physics titled “Sintering and research of nanostructure translucent ceramics” New equipment is installed in renovated section of our laboratory, we start to move experiments to the new space. Krisjanis Smits, Larisa Grigorjeva, Virginija Vitola and Aleksejs Zolotarjovs attended the FM&NT-2017 The official webpage of the conference: Dr. phys. Krisjanis Smits successfully visited the 2017 EELS & EFTEM Analysis Training School in Pleasanton, CA, United States. Thanks to Gatan, Inc. for great reception of the participants! Our PhD student, Aleksejs Zolotarjovs successfully visited Turku, Finland to participate in training school “Upconverting nanoparticles in bioaffinity assays – from bioconjugation to luminescence readout” organized by COST action CM1403. Our group was accepted to access PROMES CNRS solar facilities within the framework of the EU-DG RTD’s project: “The European Solar Research Infrastructure for Concentrated Solar Power. Second Phase – SFERA-II” We are looking forward to continue research collaboration with the facility and prepare samples for further study. One of our laboratory rooms was renovated and finished yesterday. New equipment including chemical fume hood and appliances is on it’s way. We are happy to announce that a new project “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation”, Nr., has been launched. Project No: Nr. Main scope: The proposed project foresees studies of luminescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). Up to now, PEO coatings were mostly studied because of their tribological properties; however, PEO coatings also have good wear resistance, high hardness and are chemically stable therefore this technology can be applied to form protective coatings on metals. It is known that many oxide based materials exhibit good luminescent properties; however, the luminescence of PEO produced oxide layers was not studied before. The first research in this direction was made by private company Elgoo tech in cooperation with Insitute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia. During the research project, PEO process will be used to produce luminous aluminium coatings. The analysis of accessible data indicates that PEO synthesis is a promising approach for production of materials with long lasting luminescence, for example SrAl2O4:Eu:Dy. The coatings prepared by PEO will be transparent in blue and UV range, therefore the final long lasting luminescence efficiency is expected to be several times higher than that of luminescent paints currently in use. In addition, coatings could serve as protection for metals since the durability of such coatings is expected to be better compared to paints. Our work “A new energy efficient method for acquiring long lasting phosphorescent coatings on metals” which we have carried out as a part of the ERDF project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation” has been announced as one of the most important scientific achievements in Latvia in 2018 by the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Teksta latviskotā versija pieejama: We are proud to announce that a new publication “Novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum” has been written and published in Materials & Design in October. This publication was funded by the ERDF project “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation” No: Nr. Novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum A new publication in the frame of ERDF Project Nr. on fundamental processes in phosphorescent materials has been published. Virginija Vitola, Donats Millers, Krisjanis Smits, Ivita Bite, Aleksejs Zolotarjovs SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy is a very efficient long afterglow phosphor with wide range of possible applications. The luminescence properties and the possible luminescence mechanism of this material have been studied extensively, but there is almost no information available about the undoped material. Therefore, this article deals with the luminescence and thermally stimulated luminescence of an undoped SrAl2O4, revealing the possible defects that might be involved in the creation of the long afterglow in doped material. We conclude that undoped material exhibits some luminescence under X-ray irradiation in low temperature; close to room temperatures luminescence is almost fully thermally quenched in comparison to low temperatures. We can observe F and F2 center luminescence as wellas trace metal luminescence inthe emission spectrum.TSL glow curveyields the peaksthat are close to those observed in material with Eu and Dy doping; therefore these peaks are clearly related to intrinsic defects. The peak at around 400K, that is shifting with rare earth doping, might be due to dopant interaction with intrinsic defects. Published in Optical Materials Pēdējo pāris mēnešu laikā panākts ievērojams uzlabojums procesa elektrisko parametru kontrolē,ko nodrošināja barošanas bloka veiktā modernizācija. PEO iekārtai ir vairāki uzlabojumi ieskaitot augstāku spriegumu limitu (līdz 1000 V), kā arī ar ievērojami vieglāk lietojamu programmatūru un automatizētiem vadības algoritmiem, kas ļauj nepārtraukti mainīt jebkuru vēlamo parametru procesa laikā. Šīs iespējas ļauj padziļināti izpētīt augsta sprieguma ietekmi uz pārklājuma veidošanas procesu un RE jonu ieviešanu tajā. Turklāt tika uzlabota barošanas avota stabilitāte, nodrošinot ilgāku nepārtrauktu apstrādes laiku pie lielām slodzēm. Tas ir svarīgi dažādiem oksīda fāzes veidošanās procesiem, jo pārkristalizācija notiek tikai ilgākos apstrādes laikos. A new publication in the frame of ERDF Project Nr. on fundamental processes in phosphorescent materials has been published. V. Liepina, D. Millers * , K. Smits, A. Zolotarjovs, I. Bite SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy is a very efficient long afterglow phosphor with wide range of possible applications. In this study we carried out the study of X-ray excited luminescence of SrAl2O4:Dy and SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy samples, including the measurements of afterglow at low temperatures within extended time scale. We observed both Eu and Dy luminescence peaks in the afterglow and TSL measurements. In recent articles the tunneling of electron from trap levels to excited Eu luminescence center was discussed, and in this research we conclude that under X-ray irradiation Eu2+ and Dy3+ serve as hole traps; electron tunneling is present in both SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy and SrAl2O4: Dy, and luminescence afterglow at 10 K arises from decay of excited Eu2+ and Dy3+ centers created via electron tunneling from host trap to Eu3+ and Dy4+ ions. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids A certain project milestone has been recently achieved and luminescent coatings with sufficient luminescence intensity to be seen by the naked eye have been acquired. We will continue our work on intensity and luminescence afterglow parameter improvement and it certainly looks like we’re moving in the right direction although of course there’s tons of work still ahead of us. A publication studying optical properties of strontium aluminate has been submitted and is being reviewed. We’re also happy to announce that starting September Boriss Poļakovs and Krišjānis Auziņš have joined the project and are actively working to contribute to project’s successful ongoing. Improvements on PEO reactor chamber (see photo) have been made to insure better repeatability and constant results, allowing to study the coatings with greater detail and less errors. Technical improvements have also been made to aluminum samples – it is now possible to split the samples into smaller pieces with absolutely no potential damage to the coating. Our team is visiting PROMES CNRS facilities (Font-Romeu, France). We are grateful for the access to the facilities in frame of SFERA 2 project. This great opportunity will be used to prepare samples for the successful realization of ERDF Project Nr. We are happy to announce that a new project “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation”, Nr., has been launched. Līguma numurs Projekta ilgums: 27.02.2017 -31.10.2019 Projekta zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr.phys. Krisjanis Smits Projekta mērķis ir ne-saimnieciskajā rūpnieciskajā pētījumā iegūt alumīniju saturošu fosforiscējošu pārklājumu plazmas elektrolītiskās oksidācijas (PEO) procesā. Projekta gaitā paredzēts PEO procesā iegūt leģētus ar Eu joniem aktivētus kompleksos oksīdus, izveidot aktivatoru nanokristālu pārklājumu poru aizpildīšanai un, veicot gala oksidāciju, PEO procesā iegūt luminiscentu pārklājumu. Paralēli veicamajām darbībām, tām tiks pielāgota SIA “ElGoo tech” īpašumā esošā PEO aparatūra un tās parametri, kā rezultātā iegūsim validētu nepatentētu tehnoloģiju. Tiks veikta iegūto materiālu īpašību (luminiscences, struktūras un morfoloģijas) izpēte. Plānots iepirkums, kura nolikumā, vērtēšanā un tehniskajā specifikācijā tiks piemēroti Zaļā publiskā iepirkuma kritēriji un principi. Ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistīto projektu plānots īstenot kopā ar sadarbības partneri – komersantu SIA “ElGoo tech” no 2017.gada 1.februāra līdz 2019.gada 31.oktobrim, ar kuru kopā ir izstrādāts šis projekts un noslēgts sadarbības līgums. Plānotās projekta izmaksas ir 539 844.50 EUR. Plānots iegūt 120 gab. fosforiscējoša pārklājuma paraugus, vienu šī procesa validētas nepatentētas tehnoloģijas aprakstu, 6 zinātniskos rakstus, piesaistīto privāto finansējumu un 1 komersantu, kurš sadarbojas ar pētniecības organizāciju. Pētījumā tiks nodarbināti vismaz 11 darbinieki, 4, kuriem tiks izveidotas jaunas darba vietas. Projektu plānots īstenot inovatīvo materiālu un tehnoloģijas nozarē izmantojot starpdisciplinaritāti – dabas zinātnes (1.3 fizika (Physical sciences) un 1.4 ķīmija (Chemical sciences)) un inženierzinātnes un tehnoloģija (2.5 materiālu zinātne (Materials engineering) un 2.10 nanotehnoliģijas (Nano-technology)). Tiks pētīta iespēja izveidot luminiscentus pārklājumus, izmantojot plazmas elektroķīmisko oksidāciju (PEO). Patreiz PEO procesā iegūtie pārklājumi tiek aktīvi izmantoti, jo tiem piemīt labas aizsargājošās (liela cietība, laba nodilumizturība, termiskā aizsardzība, pretkorozijas uc.) īpašības. Metālu un dažu tā sakausējumu oksīdiem, ir labas optiskās īpašības, taču, piemēram, luminiscence PEO procesā iegūtiem pārklājumiem iepriekš nav pētīta. Pirmie pētījumi tika veikti SIA “ElGoo tech” sadarbojoties ar LU CFI, kuros iegūti pirmie labi luminiscējošie pārklājumi. Šie rezultāti un literatūrā atrodamie cita veida pētījumi parāda, ka ar PEO metodi iespējams izveidot arī fosforiscentos pārklājums, kuriem būtu ievērojams pielietojumu potenciāls, piemēram, SrAl2O4:Eu:Dy, kuram piemīt vienas no lielākajām kvantu efektivitātēm un ilgākā pēcspīdēšana. Tādēļ šī pētījumu projekta ietvaros plānots iegūt alumīniju saturošus pārklājumus ar ilgu pēcspīdēšanu (fosforiscenci). Iegūstamie pārklājumi būs caurspīdīgi tuvajā UV apgabalā, tādejādi gala pārklājumam būs vairākas reizes lielāka efektivitāte salīdzinot ar pārdošanā esošajām fosforiscentajām krāsām. vienlaicīgi fosforiscējošais pārklājums kalpos kā metālu atikorozijas pārklājums un šāda pārklājuma noturība, ilgmūžība būs daudz lielāka salīdzinot ar krāsām. Projekta sasniegtajiem rezultātiem pēc projekta beigām tiks nodrošināta: ZnO ceramics and dosimetry! Radioluminescence, thermoluminescence and dosimetric properties of ZnO ceramics Great work! Krisjanis Smits took his part in this unique research. Tunneling luminescence in long lasting afterglow of SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy Starting the year with strontium aluminates! Great work by the members of the laboratory! Take a look! A great review of the may-2016 conference that took place in Wroclaw, Poland! Check out the view from Dayong Jin published in Nature Photonics here. Krisjanis Smits and Aleksejs Zolotarjovs had a really productive and interesting visit. We hope to meet again soon with all the participants of the conference. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action CM1403 PhD.phys. student Aleksejs Zolotarjovs and M.Sc. student Katrīna Laganovska both received the grant for Students and Young scientists. Successful discussion concerning further steps in our international ERANET RUS PLUS, NanoRadDos project! Thanks to our colleagues in Cologne for great organisation of the event! Our student Aleksejs Zolotarjovs just presented his ISSP young researchers project proposal about functional PEO coatings: Our article was advertised on the front cover of Nanotechnology journal.Aleksejs Zolotarjovs has successfully defended his Doctoral thesis in physics
Madara Leimane and Ernests Einbergs defend their Master’s thesis outstandingly and excellently!
Edgars Straumanis successfully defended his Bachelor’s thesis in computer science
Ēriks Vilunas and Miļena Dile successufully defend their Bachelor’s thesis in chemistry
Ēriks’ thesis was on “Synthesis of transparent luminescent barium silicate ceramics and effect of additives to their morphological characteristics”.
Miļena’s thesis was on “Synthesis of manganese-doped zinc sulfide nanomaterials”.
We look forward to continuing our work on these subjects and hope to see an advanced Master’s thesis from our students in the future!
Agnese Spustaka – an outstanding physicist!
Ivita Bite receives the L’Oréal Baltic For Women in Science award!
In her research optically active (e.g. glowing in the dark) materials are synthesized using various methods, mainly the microwave-assisted technology as it is the most environmentally friendly method that can also guarantee repeatable samples. This technology also reduces synthesis time, saves energy and reduces the amount of created waste.
ERAF project successful completion
During the final stage, 3 publications are prepared and submitted to journals, method descriptions finalized. The project provided valuable experience for students and researchers involved; increased the scientific capacity of the institute and produced cooperation possibilities for future studies. The results obtained during the research will be used in the future in both the industry and scientific research.
Upcoming lecture on 4D Biofabrication
In Memoriam
Publication on Recent progress in understanding the persistent luminescence in SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy
Update on ERDF project Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation
A publication on the luminescence of localized states in oxidized and fluorinated silica glass
Short update on ERDF project Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Congratulations to Virgīnija Vītola for successfully defending her thesis and getting a PhD!
Defending of the doctoral thesis “Electronic excitations and processes in long lasting luminescence material SrAl2O4” – Virgīnija Vītola
Congratulations to Linards Skuja for receiving the Grand Medal of LAS
An important scientific achievement in Latvia 2018
A publication in Materials & Design presenting a novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum
Participation in FM&NT
Participation in AMT and LumDeTr
A publication on luminescence enhancement as a result of charge compensation in HfO2:Eu doped with Nb
The search for defects in undoped SrAl2O4 material
A new publication on particle size and surface defect effects on luminescence intensity and traps caused by Eu3+ addition in LaPO4:Eu3+
New members
Update on ERDF Project Nr.
X-ray excited luminescence of SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy at low temperatures
ERANET RUS PLUS, NanoRadDos (2016 – 2017) December meeting
A new publication on enhancing the spectral stability of heterogeneous luminescent nanofluids using core-shell engineering
Project ERDF Project Nr. Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation update
UL ISSP student and new researcher grant project approvals
Taking part in the new COST Actions
European network for the promotion of portable, affordable and simple analytical platforms
Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials Network (MultiComp)
A new publication studying molecular changes in water depending on temperature has been published
Congratulations to MSc. Eng. Katrina Laganovska!
RAD2017 conference in Budva, Montenegro
Congratulations to BSc. Phys. Dags Olsteins!
Laboratory renovation is approaching the finish line
FM&NT-2017 International conference ‘Functional materials and Nanotechnologies-2017’
International conference ‘Functional materials and Nanotechnologies-2017’.2017 EELS & EFTEM Analysis Training School
Training School on Upconverting nanoparticles in bioaffinity assays.
Granted access to MSSFs Facility at PROMES, CNRS
Laboratory room renovation is finished
Project -Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation- has been launched!
ERDF project -Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation-
ERAF project successful completion
During the final stage, 3 publications are prepared and submitted to journals, method descriptions finalized. The project provided valuable experience for students and researchers involved; increased the scientific capacity of the institute and produced cooperation possibilities for future studies. The results obtained during the research will be used in the future in both the industry and scientific research.
Short update on ERDF project Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation
An important scientific achievement in Latvia 2018
A publication in Materials & Design presenting a novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum
The search for defects in undoped SrAl2O4 material
ERAF projekts Nr. – Fosforiscējoša pārklājuma iegūšana plazmas elektrolītiskajā oksidācijas procesā – jaunumi
Tika sagatavots paraugu komplekts un turpināta parametru optimizācija. Galvenais mērķis ir nemainīgs: uzlabot ilgspīdošu PEO pārklājumu ar kvalitāti, kas sakrīt vai pārsniedz līdzīgu materiālu kvalitāti.X-ray excited luminescence of SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy at low temperatures
Project ERDF Project Nr. Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation update
Project -Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation- has been launched!
ERAF projekts -Fosforiscējoša pārklājuma iegūšana plazmas elektrolītiskajā oksidācijas procesā-.
New publication!
New Publication!
New publication!
New publication!
Looking back. UPCON 2016: Bright future for upconversion
New publication!
New achievement!
Cologne meeting.
New presentation!
New achievement!
Pleasant surprise! Sergei Vlassov! It was interesting to participate in this research.New publications!
We congratulate Aleksejs Zolotarjovs for successfully defending his doctoral thesis on “OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION COATINGS ON ALUMINIUM ALLOY SURFACE” in physics.
Congratulations to Madara Leimane for outstandingly defending her thesis on “Sol-gel synthesis of monolithic silicon dioxide” in chemistry as well as to Ernests Einbergs for excellently defending his thesis on “Usability of mecanoluminiscent materials in optoelectronic sensors and the development of a method for studying their properties”
Congratulations to Edgars Straumanis for successfully defending his Bachelor’s thesis in computer science!
Congratulations to Ēriks Vilunas and Miļena Dile for successfully defending their Bachelor’s thesis.
Agnese has not only outstandingly defended her thesis on ” Luminescence properties of zinc oxide”, but has also been nominated and acknowledged as the Physmat of the year 2021
We congratulate Ivita Bite for receiving the L’Oréal Baltic For Women in Science Programme award for 2020.
We are happy to announce the end of the final stage of ERDF Project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (2017-2019)”. The project completed successfully, all the proposed tasks are finished.
In August 2019, Larisa Grigorjeva, a habilitated Doctor of Physics and a long time employee at the Solid State institute of Physics at the University of Latvia, has passed away. The results of her scientific research have gained international attention and her significant contribution to Latvian science has been highly appreciated by the Latvian Academy of Sciences, awarding her the Edgars Siliņš Name Award and the title of Emeritus Scientist of Latvia. Larisa Grigorieva has organized and led a number of scientific projects, including international ones, in her 15-years of being the head of the Solid State Radiation Laboratory. It has been the basis for the development of the current UL ISSP Optical Materials Laboratory. Successfully combining research with teaching, under the leadership of Larisa Grigorieva many Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees have been successfully obtained. LU CFI has lost an active researcher, Larisa Grigorjeva, and colleagues are saddened by her departure and will keep her in her memory.
We are happy to announce that the project ERDF Project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (2017-2019)” was successfully evaluated and the green light for the last stage was given. However, although the project is nearing its completion, great amount of work is still required. With finalization of measurements and synthesis, the publications are in active development.
We are happy to announce the end of the final stage of ERDF Project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (2017-2019)”. The project completed successfully, all the proposed tasks are finished.
We are happy to announce that the project ERDF Project Nr. “Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (2017-2019)” was successfully evaluated and the green light for the last stage was given. However, although the project is nearing its completion, great amount of work is still required. With finalization of measurements and synthesis, the publications are in active development.